About the owner

About Ron D. Reddix

Seeking Nature in all aspects of my life, I am always out exploring!

I grew up in central Kentucky, the kind of kid who couldn’t stay indoors! I was out exploring woods, fields and caves.  My life-long interest in wildlife has steered me in numerous directions. With more than 50 years of experience with wildlife, I have worked as a Naturalist both in Kentucky and Ohio teaching and leading thousands of people on nature hikes and providing lessons for children at nature camps around the area.  

I am a Master Falconer with over 30 years of experience with birds of prey.  I am a member of North American Falconers Association and the Ohio Falconers Association, serving as the Editor for their publication for two years.   I’ve written articles and been featured in numerous videos about Falconry.  I’ve done many demonstrations with birds of prey and taught Falconry, serving as the Mentor for apprentices over the years.  As a Falconer, I maintain all the necessary permits through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife.

Spending many hours exploring woods and fields as a wildcrafter and fur-harvester.  I am a licensed Ohio Fur Harvester and have constructed various historical reproductions of items crafted by Native Americans, Pioneers and Mountain Men. I am a member of the North American Hunters Association. Additionally I seek out, identify and collect wild edibles.

I have a degree in Natural Science from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. 

Throughout my life, I have also enjoyed restoring old houses.  Meticulous about the restoration process, to be sure the job is done right for enduring results   I am a skilled carpenter and have experience in all phases of construction.

I am an avid gardener and enjoy growing and processing home-grown vegetables.   

I am a licensed Commercial Nuisance Wild Animal Control Operator in the State of Ohio.

I will treat you, your home and property with respect and work with you to resolve the wildlife issues you are experiencing.

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